Sunday 25 March 2012

Reasons 2 and 3

I am still uncertain, unclear, about what the number one reason is for this journey that I'm on. Why has this house become so important to me, as my friend Peggy asks. Maybe I'll figure it out once the house is complete, in a years time.

Tired boys at the end of the Parade
However, I have discovered reasons 2 and 3 for building this house. Their names are Zachary Stavros (blue) and North Apostolos (red), my boys. Now I'm about to start gushing, so bear with me...they are the smartest, most charming, talented, polite and well spoken gentlemen. Phew. I would do anything for them and if I can give them this house, a real physical, tangible connection to their heritage, then maybe they will usurp the first reason, if I can ever find it.  Anyway, you know I've never carried a picture of them in my wallet?  This is a first for me!

I adore and love and show great affection to my twin boys, but I've never been that kind of mum that gushes about her children. Nor am I the kind of person who likes to hear about other peoples children and their milestone achievements, unless they are very close friends and family, and then I welcome it and treasure it.  I try my utmost to never compare my kids to other peoples kids because I think it sets them up for resentment.  It's my job to always make them feel strong enough to a least try something new and do something different, without fear of failure.  The words "can't" and "never" are forbidden and replaced with "lets give it a go" and "lets have a laugh".

My family life has always been private and people often wonder why I don't mention the husband and kids more often.  Because they are precious and delicate (the husband is not delicate, he is red-blooded and resolute) and should never be opened up to potential harm. And also because I fear the label "soccer mom", the kiss of death in Canada. Greece has their version of the "soccer mom" too, only they are better dressed; Gucci from head to toe, but "soccer moms" nonetheless. lol.  My life may seem like an open book, but certain chapters are sealed in a vault, protected. 

The play backdrop at their School
But I just can't stand it anymore!  I must show you my little men.  Especially in celebration of Greek Independence Day.
ΖΗΤΩ η 25η Μαρτίου, 1821
"Freedom or Death".  Or my version, "Die on your feet, or Live on your knees".  Perhaps this is something today's Greeks need to print and put on a t-shirt.

Evzones (Presidential Guards) in training
March 25, 1821. A brief History

North recites in Greek, the most famous poem ever by Rigas Feraios.
Here is the English Translation:
For how long, o brave young men, shall we live in fastnesses,
Alone, like lions, on the ridges in the mountains?
Shall we dwell in caves, looking out on branches,
Fleeing from the world on account of bitter serfdom?
Abandoning brothers, sisters, parents, homeland
Friends, children, and all of our kin?
Better one hour of free life,
Than forty years of slavery and prison

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree with your ideas about your childen and your husband. Very similar to mine, althought i think that my children are ovwerspoiled (my husband too).
    I don't realy comprehend what a "soccer mum" is but it doesn't sound good.
    Do you mean "showing off" mums?
